Imagine Saving Hundreds of Thousands of Dollars Purchasing Your Dream Home 

100% Interest Free

Sound Too Good To Be True? 

We thought so too until we were able to EASILY purchase our current home without paying even a penny in interest!

 Are you tired of throwing your money away in rent?

Have you researched Islamic financing options and find you will end up paying even more for your home than you would with a conventional mortgage?

Do your family and friends constantly tell you it’s OK to get a mortgage because it’s a necessity in this country and therefore allowed in Islam?

Are you frustrated and feel you will never own your own home?

If you answered yes to any or all of these questions we know EXACTLY how you feel.  When we first got married, we had accepted the fact that we had to rent and would probably never own our own home, or if we did, it was going to take a long time of saving and patience.  We did not want to get a conventional mortgage with interest, and every time we researched an Islamic financing company we found ourselves even more discouraged.  

Alhumdulilah, Praise and Thanks to the One and Only God, in 2006 we were able to purchase our home completely 100% interest free.  That means we paid the ACTUAL COST of our home and not a penny more.  In 2011, after outgrowing our first home we were able to purchase our SECOND home, yet again, 100% INTEREST FREE.  Since our first home was purchased completely interest free, and every penny went towards principal, we were able to pay it off quickly.  Alhumdulilah, as a result we had a big downpayment to put towards our second home!  Within 2 years our second home was also paid off Alhumdulilah.  Imagine, living in your dream home and it’s completely paid off and paid off fast!

We were approached by many people in our community asking us how we did it.  It was so easy for us to do that we decided to write an e-book detailing our experience.  You don’t have to do anything different in your search for a home.  You can work with a realtor or even on your own.  There is no secret formula or cheating of the system.   We were simply thinking outside the box.  It’s so simple anyone can do it! When we compared what we paid for our first home to what we would have paid with a conventional mortgage we found that we SAVED approximately $147,000.  

Here’s some of what you will learn from this e-book

A detailed journey of how we found our home interest free

Small obstacles we faced and how we overcame such obstacles

Verses from the Qur’an and other religions forbidding the use of  interest

A detailed step-by-step plan to help you find your new home

A budget allowing you to determine your monthly spending vs. savings

A copy of all of our contracts and legal documents


A detailed approach of how we purchased our dream cars 100% interest free where 0% financing was not available.

Financial guidance on how to live your life interest free

Instant Delivery

After making your payment of $27 you will immediately have access to our eBook. Within minutes you will then have our eBook before you on your computer screen!  

100% Risk Free

We have taken on the risk 100% and are offering a 100% satisfaction guarantee.   If you are not completely satisfied with the information you learn please contact us for a full refund, no questions asked.
It's Your Money Ebook


Can’t afford the e-book?  Our goal first and foremost in doing this is to please Allah SWT in helping people stay FAR away from interest.  It is our hope, Insha’Allah, that on the Day of Judgement, we can all stand together, knowing we worked together to stay away from what Allah SWT has forbidden.  If for whatever reason you are unable to afford this e-book please send us an email to and we will send you the e-book for free.  All we ask is that you do not forward or distribute the ebook in any way without our permission.  We also ask for you du’aa’, and that when you are able to, to please donate the price of the ebook to a worthy cause.